Coordinating an event involves managing numerous details. While a single individual can handle smaller events, larger ones, such as concerts or social functions, necessitate a dedicated team for success. The My Team function within EventBookings facilitates this by enabling you to add members, assign roles, and delegate organizational tasks, reducing your workload. Below are a few roles that you can create and utilize for your events:
- Bookings Manager: Manages all aspects of event bookings and ticket sales. They ensure the booking system is functional and user-friendly.
- Ticketing Supervisor: Oversees ticket scanning and validation at the event. They handle the technology for scanning and troubleshooting any issues.
- Campaign Director: Creates and manages marketing campaigns to promote events. They utilize insights and tracking codes to measure campaign effectiveness.
- Volunteer Ticket Scanner: This role is dedicated to scanning tickets at the event entry points. The volunteer will use the mobile application to ensure all tickets are valid and prevent unauthorized access. They play a crucial role in managing the flow of attendees and maintaining accurate attendance records.
- Customer Relations Lead: Manages the contact list and attendee details. They ensure attendees receive proper communication and handle inquiries.
- Event Analyst: Utilizes the insights feature to analyze event data. They generate reports and provide recommendations for future events.
- Merchandise Coordinator: Handles the sale of event-related merchandise. They manage inventory and oversee the merchandise booth or online sales.
- Technical Support Specialist: Provides support for the mobile and web applications. They assist users with technical issues and maintain the supervisory app.
- Financial Controller: Manages payouts, transactions, and financial reports. They ensure accurate financial tracking and handle Stripe, SecurePay(Australia only), AfterPay, PayFast, PayPal(Upcoming) integrations.
- Seating Strategist: Designs and manages seating arrangements. They use the seating feature to optimize the attendee experience and safety.
- Session Planner: Coordinates event sessions, including scheduling and speaker management. They ensure each session runs according to plan.
These roles are designed to cover the various functionalities of your event management application, ensuring a smooth and successful event experience. You have the complete freedom to create roles with specific permissions.
Create & Manage Roles
Web Application
You can easily create and assign different roles for your team members, which will help you to control access and permissions for other areas of your organisation’s activities and functionalities, and effectively distribute responsibilities.
- Go to your organisation dashboard.
- Select My Team from the left panel and switch to the Manage Roles tab.
- Click Create New Role and enter the role name and a brief description.
- Select Web from the Application Type dropdown and define the role by selecting specific features such as read, edit, create, and delete permissions.
- Click Save to create the role.
- Assign the role to existing team members by clicking on the“change role in the member’s list and selecting the role you want to assign from the dropdown.
- If you want to invite new team members, click on the Invite button on the My Team page, enter the team member’s email address, select the new role for this member from the dropdown, and click Invite.
Permission Types:
- Read: Team members can view pages and information. They are not permitted to make any changes or take action. Example: A Financial Auditor could be given Read access to financial reports to review transactions without the risk of altering data.
- Edit: Team members can modify existing content but are restricted from adding or removing new items. Example: An Event Editor might have Edit access to update event details like time or location but cannot add or delete anything.
- Create: Team members are empowered to add new content within the scope of the feature they have access to, but deletion is not allowed. Example: A Content Creator could have Created access to add new images and videos to the event.
- Delete: Team members can remove items, providing them control over decluttering or managing outdated content. Example: A Relationship Lead might have Delete access to remove outdated contacts or duplicate entries in the attendee list.
For instance, if you wish to delegate the management of your event’s promotional activities, you might grant a Marketing Specialist Create & Delete permissions for campaigns and invitations, allowing them to craft and remove promotions as needed. Conversely, if you require someone to oversee the event’s analytics, you could assign a Data Analyst Read-only access to insights and reports, enabling them to monitor performance metrics without modifying any data.
Scanner App
You can create roles to manage your scanner apps only in the same way we created roles for web. Just make sure to select “Organizer App“ from the Application Type dropdown menu.
- Go to your organisation dashboard.
- Select My Team from the left panel and switch to the Manage Roles tab.
- Click Create New Role and enter the role name and a brief description.
- Select the Organizer App from the Application Type dropdown and define the role by selecting specific features such as read, edit, create, and delete permissions.
- Click Save to create the role.
- Assign the role to existing team members by clicking on the“change role in the member’s list and selecting the role you want to assign from the dropdown.
- If you want to invite new team members, click on the Invite button on the My Team page, enter the team member’s email address, select the new role for this member from the dropdown, and click Invite.
Add team member
To add a team member:
- Go to your organization dashboard.
- Select my team from the left panel.
- Click Send Invitation.
- Enter the team member’s email address on the Send Invitation pop-up.
- Select the intended Role for that member.
- Click invite and an invitation email will be sent to the email address you provided.
You can create and manage roles from the Manage Roles tab.
Important Note: The status of your team member will remain “Pending” until the user accepts your invitation. It will change to “Active” once the member accepts your invitation.
Disable or Delete Team Members
To disable or delete team members:
- Go to your organization’s dashboard.
- Select my team from the left panel.
- To delete a team member, click the three-dot button and select delete. A pop-up will appear asking for your confirmation.
- If you want to disable the team member, click the toggle button to disable it, and a pop-up will appear asking for your confirmation.
- Once you disable or delete your team members, they can no longer access your organization’s activities and functionalities.
- If disabled, the status of your team member will change to “Inactive”.