
You can manage your orders in two different ways.

  • Manage orders for a particular event from Bookings
  • Manage orders for all events from Report

Manage orders for a particular event from Bookings

you can manage all attendees for a particular event from Bookings

To manage bookings for a specific event:

  1. Go to your event dashboard.
  2. Select bookings from the left panel.

Features we are providing

Filter by booking typeYou can filter bookings in the list by selecting available booking types, which include:
  • Paid with cash,
  • Paid with card, and
  • Complementary.
Search for bookingsYou can search for a specific booking by customer name, email address and order ID
ExportYou can export the bookings list or tickets list as a CSV file by clicking Export. The bookings list will be downloaded if you are in the bookings tab.
Booking details, Attendee details, Send Message, and Order DetailsYou can access these options by clicking on the three-dot button of a booking. 

Manage orders for all events from the Report

You can generate all kinds of reports that you may need to run your organisation, as we are covering the order section. Let’s dive into it.

Getting Started

Go to your Organisation’s Dashboard.

Select Report from the left panel.

You will find a list of orders, tickets, and customers categorised under their corresponding tabs.

Functionalities we are providing

Search use the search bar to search by customer name or order ID.
FlitersEventsuse the events filter to only view orders for the selected event.
 Dateselect a date range from the list of available options: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, Last Month, and Custom Range. The Custom Range option will allow you to specify the start and end date from the calendar drop-down.
 Refund Statusselect the refund status of orders from a list of available options: Refunded, Refund Rejected, Refund Requested, and Partially Refunded.
 Order Status 
Export click Export if you want to manage your orders on a CSV file.

To view more details about the order, click on any order from the order list, and the order details page will appear.

On the order details page, you will find the following information:

Order Email HistoryYou can keep track of the order email status sent to the customer. To resend the email, click Resend Order Email button.
Order ReceiptDisplays the details of the order and payment.
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