
Attendance is a great feature of EventBookings that allows you to track and record who attended your event. On your event day, you can scan the tickets of the attendees to record the check-in, and check-outs.

EventBookings has a mobile app called “EventBookings Scan Station“ to do the scanning and updating the attendee activity job. You can download and install it from the App Store or the Google Play Store and log in to the app using your EventBookings credentials.

Tracking Attendance

Once you install and log in to the app, you’ll land on a home page where you’ll find all your events:

The events from the selected organization will be presented in ascending order based on their scheduled date and time. The list will exclusively include events categorized as either having a designated venue or events that are still pending confirmation.

Only events with venue or undecided types will be available in the list. For events that happen just once, the specific date and time of the event will be displayed. For recurring events, the label “Multiple Dates” will indicate their occurrence on multiple occasions. If you have multiple events, you can utilize the search bar located at the top right of the Event Page to find a specific event. Beside the search bar, there’s another icon for the Organization profile. This lets you see organization details and switch to a different organization if you want.

Clicking on the Scan button, you can start scanning tickets of the attendees, and upon each successful scanning that authenticates the attendee’s identity, a “Check-In Completed” will appear, displaying all the event details

If a ticket is scanned for the second time, a modal will appear with an “Already Checked-In” message.

After successfully scanning the tickets, the total count of attendees who have checked in and those who haven’t will be displayed in brackets. This count will dynamically update with each page refresh.

The “Updates” section will present relevant details about the ticket buyer and session information, especially if the event includes multiple sessions. On the other hand, the “Timeline” section will showcase the status of customer check-ins and check-outs along with their respective date and time .

If any guest checks out, you can update this by clicking on Update and the Check-out button below.

If you choose “Want to make this attendee absent?“, it will remove all the attendance data for that particular attendee and will be moved to “Not Attended“ tab.

Exporting Attendance Data

You can export the attendee data from the EventBookings web app. To export the data, you need to navigate to the Bookings section from the Event Dashboard and click on the three-dot button to get the export button. Once you click on the Export, it’ll immediately download a CSV file containing the attendance data.

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