
You can manage your tickets in two different ways.

  • Manage tickets for a particular event from Bookings
  • Manage tickets for all events from the Report

Manage orders for a particular event from Bookings

you can manage all attendees for a particular event from Bookings

To manage bookings for a specific event:

  1. Go to your event dashboard.
  2. Select Tickets from the left panel.

Features we are providing

Filter by attendanceYou can filter the tickets list by attendance type, which includes Attended and N/A.
Search for ticketsYou can search for a specific ticket by customer name, email and ticket ID
Sell ticketsIf you want to sell tickets or purchase tickets for an attendee, click Sell Tickets.
Tickets listThe bookings list shows the customer’s name, email address, address, booking type, tickets purchased and total amount. And the tickets list shows the customer’s name, order ID, seat number, and attendance status.
Update and TimelineYou can access these options by clicking on the three-dot button of a ticket. 

Manage Tickets for all events from the Report

You can generate all kinds of reports that you may need to run your organization, as we are covering the order section. Let’s dive into it.

On the order details page, you will find the following information:

SerialThe serial number of the ticket recorded after an order was placed.
CodeThe QR code image of the ticket is embedded with ticket information.
DateThe date ticket was purchased.
EventName of the event the ticket was purchased for.
Ticket NameName of the ticket defined by the event organizer.
VariationName of the ticket variation defined by the event organizer.
CustomerName of the customer the ticket was bought by.
Order IDThe ID that was generated after an order was placed.
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