Sell Tickets at the Venue

Selling tickets allows you to sell tickets to attendees who arrive at the venue. You can sell tickets in three methods:

  • Cash payments
  • Card payments
  • Complementary tickets.

The process for selling tickets is similar to purchasing tickets, but the organizer makes the purchase instead of the user. Select the date you want to sell the ticket, choose the tickets, and proceed to checkout.

You can select all available tickets for the selected occurrence or session. If you host a one-off or multi-day event, the date selection step will be skipped automatically.

To sell tickets, navigate to your bookings tab and open the “Sell Ticket” option. If you are hosting recurring events, you will see the option to select a recurrence for which you will be selling tickets.

Restrictions such as event restrictions or mandatory tickets do not apply when selling as an organizer. However, ticket and event capacities remain the same.

All available tickets for the selected dates will be displayed for sale. Select the tickets and quantity you want to sell and proceed to checkout.

During checkout, provide basic details like name and email. If your event has an order form enabled, you can fill it out during checkout. You can send an order confirmation email by selecting the “Send order confirmation email” during checkout.

Finally, select the booking type from “Paid with Cash,” “Paid with Card,” or “Complementary.” If the customer has a coupon, you can also add that for them.

Once the sale is completed, you can view the booking in the list. To download the PDF, open the order details from the three-dot menu from an order and click “Download” from the top right corner.

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