Creating and Publishing Event

Where to start?

How to get started with EventBookings?

  • Sign in or sign up using your email and password.
  • Click “Create Event” in the top right corner to start.
  • EventBookings will direct you to the “Create Event” page for information.

EventBookings offers various event scheduling options to accommodate the unique requirements of each event. These options include:

  1. Does Not Repeat: This option is suitable for events that start and end on a specific date and time without any repetition. For example, a one-time concert on July 10th, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
  2. Recurring Events: Recurring events repeat on the same day(s) of the week at the same time and duration. For example, a weekly yoga class every Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
  3. Scheduled Events: Scheduled events occur on specific dates with different start times and durations. For example, a series of workshops on March 5th, March 15th, and March 27th, each starting at a different time.
  4. Appointments: This option is ideal for services like consultations, where you can set your weekly available hours, and people can book appointments during those times. For example, a legal consultation service is available for booking from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM every weekday.
  5. Sell Events as Sessions: This feature allows you to divide an event schedule into multiple parts or sessions and assign specific tickets to each session. For example, a conference spanning three sessions with different ticket options for each day.

These scheduling options provide flexibility and customization for your events, ensuring you can cater to various event types and schedules.

Create your Event

Fill up the event information accordingly. Here are some quick overviews of the representation information panel:

Information Block Description
Event name
  • Type your event’s name – make it precise and straightforward.
Select the Event Type
  • If your event has an address, type to search to add from suggestions or pin the location from the map.
  • If you want to host an online event, then choose Online Event
  • If you do not wish to add a location or want to update later, then select Undecided.
Select the event date and time.
  • Select the start date, time and duration of your event. If your event doesn’t have recurring dates, keep the “event repeat” to “Does not Repeat“.
  • Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly from the dropdown if your event has recurring dates.
  • Select the Schedule from the dropdown to schedule your event dates.
  • A Timeslot is a predefined portion of a schedule or timetable. Think of it as a well-organized segment in your workday designed to accommodate specific activities or appointments.
  • Time zone: Select the appropriate time zone for your event
  • Currency: Currency will be automatically decided based on your region.
Event visibility
  • If you want to keep your event public and wish to feature on our explore event page, then keep this toggle-on. Select the category that best fits your event.
  • Turn off the toggle if you want to keep your event private. You have to share and invite attendees manually. Go to event settings and toggle on the “Hide the Share Button” to restrict people from sharing the event on social platforms.

Event overview

Haven’t you verified the email address or completed the organization profile?

Send verification email ➡️ Complete organization profile ➡️ Payment options ➡️ Add tickets ➡️ Publish

Complete organization profile

Complete your organization profile to bring your brand signature to your events. Add images and some basic information like location and number, and add social accounts. Learn more Organizer Profile Page

Payment options

You will be asked to connect with your preferred payment method based on your region. Getting Paid for Your Event.

Add tickets

Create tickets of different types from available options, including single tickets, group tickets, and donations. All these different ticket types have unique attributes to meet your ticketing needs.


You are ready to take the next step and share your event with the world. To make your event live, simply click the “Publish” button at your desired time. This will make your event available to the public in a timely manner.

After publishing an event, it will be live on the platform, but ticket sales will be disabled until our moderation team approves it. We will notify you when the moderation process is complete, and ticket sales are enabled.

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Event settings
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